Hope of Bangkok Church, We believe that Jesus is who established and founded his Church (Matt 16:18) and we believe in the divine authority of the Holy Bible, that it is the highest authority in the Church and in the Christian life (2Tim 3:16-17) therefore we obey and follow after the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:19-20) by holding firm the church’s Biblical Philosophy, 23 Points.
1) Obey the Great Commission of Jesus Christ (Matt 28:18-20
2) Be responsible to see to it that the entire world receives the Gospel of Jesus Christ; think Globally, but act Locally. (Matt 28:18-20)
3) The church is the answer for life (Matt 16, Eph 3:10)
4) Develop godly character, according to the principles of the Word of God (Act 20:24)
5) Live a life according to the will of God, always having the aim to expand the Kingdom of God with all your might according to gifts given unto you. (Acts 20:19)
6) The Local Church should be emphasized,
Because it is emphasized in the Bible, and if the Local Church is edified it will affect the Universal Church and cause it to be edified as well.
7) Every Christian should serve God to the best of their ability using all the gifts and talents bestowed to them (1 Cor. 4:21, 2 Cor. 5:14-15)
8) A Servant of God should be willing to serve full-time, only after they have proved themselves by serving God to their fullest in the Church already.
9) Church leaders are appointed by God and not by man (1 Thess. 5:12-13)
10) The pastor is overseer of the church government (Acts 1:15; 2:14; 12:17; 21:18)
11) Every Christian needs a spiritual covering from a local church, and be a part of or member of the local church
12) Building biblical people is the main work of the believer, which every believer must do, no exceptions.
13) The Bible school should be church based
14) Maintain Unity in the Local Church (Ps. 133)
15) The church functions and works as a team
16) The Church is not just an Organization (with structure), but it is an Organism of Life (1 Cor. 12)
17) within the Church there must be deep commitment of love and relationship (Eph 4:15-16) it is a Covenant relationship between us and God and us and the brothers and sisters in the Church, vertical and horizontal.
18) We have authority to be a blessing (Heb. 13:17)
19) The church should depend on God, while doing their best to be responsible.
20) Every church must have a part in planting daughter churches.
21) Church leaders should be developed from within the Local church.
22) All the Gifts of the Spirit are relevant and needed in the Local Church
23) The church is a channel to lead well-being to all people, as salt and light and having an influence on the society (Gen. 1:28; Matt. 5:13)
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